is a crowdfunding disruptive to the life insurance industry as Bitcoin disruption was to the banking industry. LFI the first of its kind on the blockchain, no underwriting or premiums paid, this is what the blockchain and smart contract was designed for. Many in the developing world can't afford life insurance and are restricted based on age, medical status hobbies and many other factors, are denied insurance or just too costly. LFI is supported by crowdfunding of like-minded individuals without the overhead and fees just like it was back in the days when communities used a collection box from neighbors to help a family who lost a family member. that was back in the 1700’s fast forward 300 years we are bringing the old days back through the use of technology as our neighborhood just got much bigger. ist ein Crowdfunding, der die Lebensversicherungsbranche stört, wie die Bitcoin-Störung für die Bankenbranche. LFI ist das erste seiner Art in der Blockchain, kein Underwriting oder gezahlte Prämien, dafür wurden die Blockchain und der Smart Contract konzipiert. Viele in den Entwicklungsländern können sich eine Lebensversicherung nicht leisten und sind aufgrund ihres Alters, ihrer medizinischen Statushobbys und vieler anderer Faktoren eingeschränkt, ihnen wird die Versicherung verweigert oder einfach zu teuer. Die LFI wird durch Crowdfunding von Gleichgesinnten unterstützt, ohne den Overhead und die Gebühren, wie damals, als die Gemeinden eine Sammelbox von Nachbarn benutzten, um einer Familie zu helfen, die ein Familienmitglied verloren hatte. Das war in den 1700er Jahren des 300. Jahrhunderts. Wir bringen die alten Zeiten durch den Einsatz von Technologie zurück, da unsere Nachbarschaft gerade viel größer geworden ist. is a crowdfunding disruptive to the life insurance industry as Bitcoin disruption was to the banking industry. LFI the first of its kind on the blockchain, no underwriting or premiums paid, this is what the blockchain and smart contract was designed for. Many in the developing world can't afford life insurance and are restricted based on age, medical status hobbies and many other factors, are denied insurance or just too costly. LFI is supported by crowdfunding of like-minded individuals without the overhead and fees just like it was back in the days when communities used a collection box from neighbors to help a family who lost a family member. that was back in the 1700’s fast forward 300 years we are bringing the old days back through the use of technology as our neighborhood just got much bigger.